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QRM6 Series Rear Panel Mount Light Emitting Diode (LED) Indicators
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Items QRM6 Series Rear Panel Mount Light Emitting Diode (LED) Indicators
QRM6 Series Rear Panel Mount Light Emitting Diode (LED) Indicators
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QRM6 Series Rear Panel Mount Light Emitting Diode (LED) Indicators
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QRM6 Series Rear Panel Mount Light Emitting Diode (LED) Indicators
List Price QUOTE
Manufacturer Stock N/A {0} N/A N/A
Description N/A
Brands N/A APEM N/A N/A
Manufacturer N/A APEM N/A APEM N/A Samtec
Series N/A QRM6 N/A N/A
Mounting Hole Diameter N/A 6 mm N/A N/A
Terminals N/A Wires N/A N/A
Bezel Finish N/A Black Chrome N/A N/A
Type of Illumination N/A Fixed Light N/A N/A
Light Emitting Diode (LED) Color N/A Green N/A N/A
Direct Current (DC) Voltage N/A No resistor N/A N/A
Sealing N/A Standard Ingress Protection (IP67) EN60529 N/A N/A
Operating Direct Current (DC) Voltage N/A 1.8 to 3.8 V N/A N/A
Maximum Operating Direct Current (DC) N/A 20 mA N/A N/A
Note for Operating Direct Current (DC) N/A Customer to supply resistor for desired operating current. N/A N/A
Standard Light Emitting Diode (LED) Intensity N/A 45 mcd N/A N/A
Green Color Forward Voltage N/A 2.2 V N/A N/A
Operating Temperature Range N/A -40 to 85 ºC-40 to 185 ºF N/A N/A
Storage Temperature Range N/A -55 to 100 ºC-67 to 212 ºF N/A N/A
Maximum Reverse Voltage (VR) N/A 5 V N/A N/A
Viewing Angle N/A 60 º N/A N/A
Life Expectancy N/A 100000 hours N/A N/A
Maximum Panel Thickness N/A 3.5 mm N/A N/A
Torque N/A 60 cNm N/A N/A
Insulation Resistance at 500 Volt (V) Direct Current (DC) Voltage N/A 4000 MΩ N/A N/A
Salt Spray Test N/A 96 Hours (h) (International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC 68-2-11)) N/A N/A
Body Material N/A Anodized Aluminum Black Plated Brass N/A N/A
Lock Washer Material N/A Spring Steel N/A N/A
Nut Material N/A Black Plated Brass N/A N/A
Terminal Seal Material N/A Epoxy N/A N/A
Panel Seal Material N/A Nitrile O-Ring N/A N/A
Wires Material N/A 24 American Wire Gauge (AWG) Approved to Underwriter Laboratories (UL1061) or (UL1213) on request N/A N/A
Features N/A
  • 3 mm flush diffused LED, standard, hyper bright or clear water
  • Bi-color LED options
  • 200 mm wire or pin terminations
Note N/A The company reserves the right to change specifications without notice.

LED characteristics are dependent upon environmental conditions. Therefore published data should be considered nominal and subject to variations.
  • The operating voltage must not be exceeded by more that 10% as this will result in reduced life expectancy.
  • Luminous intensity is measured at 20 mA on a discrete led unless otherwise stated.
  • Luminous intensities and color shades of white LEDs may vary within a batch.
  • Luminous intensity will be reduced with lower operating current.