Field-effect current regulator diodes are circuit elements that provide a current essentially independent of voltage. These diodes are especially designed for maximum impedance over the operating range. These devices may be used in parallel to obtain higher currents.
Unit of Measure



N/A {0}

Manufacturer Stock

N/A {0}


N/A Solid State Inc.


N/A Solid State Inc

Maximum Rating

Peak Operating Voltage (POV)

N/A 100 V

Junction Temperature (TJ)

N/A -55 to +200 ºC

Steady State Power Dissipation (PD) at 75 Degree Celsius (ºC) Lead Temperature (TL)

N/A 600 mW

Derate Above Steady State Power Dissipation (PD) at 75 Degree Celsius (ºC) Lead Temperature (TL)

N/A 75 mW/ºC

Lead Length

N/A 3/8 in

Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range (TJ, Tstg)

N/A -55 to +200 ºC

Electrical Characteristics (at TA=25 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature Unless Otherwise Noted)

Nominal Regulator Current

N/A 0.56 mA

Minimum Regulator Current

N/A 0.504 mA

Maximum Regulator Current

N/A 0.616 mA

Note for Regulator Current

N/A IP (mA) VT = 25 V

Minimum Dynamic Impedance (ZK) at 25 Volt (V) Thermal Voltage (VT

N/A 1.90 MΩ

Minimum Knee Impedance (ZK) at 6 Volt (V) Knee Voltage (VK

N/A 0.560 MΩ

Maximum Limiting Voltage (VL) at Leaked Current (IL) = 0.8 Peak Current (IP)

N/A 1.10 V


Minimum Dimension A

N/A 25.40 mm

Maximum Dimension B

N/A 4.00 mm

Maximum Dimension C

N/A 0.60 mm

Maximum Dimension D

N/A 2.00 mm

Mechanical Data


N/A DO-35


N/A Cathode Band


N/A Type Number

Approximate Weight

N/A 0.13 g