Unit of Measure
0.050 Inch (in) Pitch Size Standard Surface Mount (SMT) Sockets

0.050 Inch (in) Pitch Size Standard Surface Mount (SMT) Sockets
List Price {QUOTE}
Manufacturer Stock N/A {0}
Description N/A
Brands N/A Mill-Max®
Manufacturer N/A Mill-Max�
Pin Head Diameter N/A 0.015 to 0.026 in0.381 to 0.660 mm
Type N/A Interconnect
Category N/A Machined Pin Socket
Mounting Style N/A Through-Hole Solder Mount
Number of Pins N/A 7
Pitch Size N/A 0.050 in1.270 mm
Rows N/A Single Row
Product Lifecycle N/A Active
Temperature Range1 N/A -55/+125 ºC
Loose Pin/Receptacle # Material N/A 4890 (Brass Alloy)
Shell Plating N/A 200 µin Tin/Lead (93/7) over 100 µin Nickel
Number of Inner Contact N/A 11
Number of Contact Fingers N/A 3
Inner Contact Material N/A Beryllium Copper
Inner Contact Plating N/A 30 µin Gold over 50 µin Nickel
Insulator Material N/A Nylon 4/6
Root Mean Square (RMS) Rated Voltage N/A 100 V
Direct Current (DC) Rated Voltage N/A 150 V
Minimum Insulation Resistance N/A 10000 MΩ
Minimum Root Mean Square (RMS) Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (VRMS) N/A 1000 V
Assembly Tolerance (±) N/A 0.010 in0.25 mm
Insulator Width Tolerance (±) N/A 0.005 in0.13 mm
Insulator Height Tolerance (±) N/A 0.005 in0.13 mm
Coplanarity of Surface Mount Type (SMT) Connectors in Connector Length N/A 0.005 to 1 in0.13 to 25.4 mm
Insulator Flatness in Connector Length N/A 0.005 to 1 in0.13 to 25.4 mm
Pin Length Tolerance (±) N/A 0.005 in0.13 mm
Pin Diameter Tolerance (±) N/A 0.002 in0.051 mm
Pin Angle Tolerance (±) N/A 2 º
Additional Notes and Specifications N/A In the interest of improved design, quality and performance, Mill-Max® reserves the right to make changes in its specifications without prior notice. Specifications and tolerances are provided wherever possible. The tolerance on dimensions of critical to function features is typically held tighter than the stated standard tolerances, such as press-fits, holes and lengths affecting the coplanarity of SMT products. Due to the wide variety of interconnects Mill-Max® offers, the specific tolerances vary from product to product. If you need information regarding the tolerance of a particular part, please contact Technical Services.
  • 1 Per IEC 60512-11-(4,-9,-10,-12)