Unit of Measure
NTJ Series 10 Microfarad (µF) Capacitance and 6 Millimeter (mm) Dimension L Metal Cap Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor

NTJ Series 10 Microfarad (?F) Capacitance and 6 Millimeter (mm) Dimension L Metal Cap Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor
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NTJ Series 100 Microfarad (µF) Capacitance and 7.8 Millimeter (mm) Dimension L Metal Cap Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor

NTJ Series 100 Microfarad (?F) Capacitance and 7.8 Millimeter (mm) Dimension L Metal Cap Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor
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NTJ Series 47 Microfarad (µF) Capacitance and 6 Millimeter (mm) Dimension L Metal Cap Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor

NTJ Series 47 Microfarad (?F) Capacitance and 6 Millimeter (mm) Dimension L Metal Cap Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor
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NTJ Series 47 Microfarad (µF) Capacitance and 7.8 Millimeter (mm) Dimension L Metal Cap Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor

NTJ Series 47 Microfarad (?F) Capacitance and 7.8 Millimeter (mm) Dimension L Metal Cap Type Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor
List Price {QUOTE}
Manufacturer Stock N/A {0} N/A {0} N/A {0} N/A {0}
Description N/A
Brands N/A Nippon Chemi-Con
Manufacturer N/A United Chemi-Con
Series N/A NTJ
Direct Current (DC) Rated Voltage N/A 100 V N/A 25 V N/A 25 V N/A 50 V
Capacitance N/A 10 µF N/A 100 µF N/A 47 µF N/A 47 µF
Capacitance Tolerance (±) at 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency, 20 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature N/A 20 %
Electrostatic Capacitance Temperature Characteristics N/A X7R
Dimension L N/A 6 mm N/A 7.8 mm N/A 6 mm N/A 7.8 mm
Dimension L Tolerance (±) N/A 0.4 mm N/A 0.5 mm N/A 0.4 mm N/A 0.5 mm
Dimension W N/A 5.3 mm N/A 6.6 mm N/A 5.3 mm N/A 6.6 mm
Dimension W Tolerance (±) N/A 0.4 mm N/A 0.5 mm N/A 0.4 mm N/A 0.5 mm
Maximum Dimension T N/A 5.5 mm N/A 9.5 mm N/A 3.8 mm N/A 8.4 mm
Dimension A N/A 1.3 mm N/A 1.5 mm N/A 1.3 mm N/A 1.5 mm
Dimension A Tolerance (±) N/A 0.3 mm
Element N/A 2
Maximum Ripple Current N/A 3 Arms N/A 4 Arms N/A 3 Arms N/A 4 Arms
Taping Quantity Per Reel N/A 2000 pieces/reel N/A 400 pieces/reel N/A 2000 pieces/reel N/A 500 pieces/reel
Temperature Range N/A -55 ~ +125 ºC
Withstand Voltage N/A No abnormality
Insulation Resistance1 N/A 100/CR4000 MΩ
Rated Capacitance N/A Within specified tolerance.
Maximum Dissipation Factor N/A 5 %
Temperature Cycle N/A Appearance : No visible damage.
ΔC/C : ±15%
D.F. : To meet the initial specification.
I.R. : To meet the initial specification.
1000 cycles
Humidity Load Life N/A Appearance : No abnormality.
ΔC/C : ±20%
D.F. : 10% maximum
I.R. : 25/CR (MΩ) or 1000 (MΩ) whichever is less.
Industry Standards N/A Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliant
Endurance N/A Appearance : No abnormality.
ΔC/C : ±20%
D.F. : 10% maximum
I.R. : 50/CR (MΩ) or 1000 (MΩ) whichever is less.
Features N/A
  1. Small size and large capacitance, high ripple current.
  2. Excellent noise absorption.
  3. For reflow soldering use.
  4. Suitable for aluminum substrate.
Applications N/A
  1. Smoothing circuit of switching mode AC-DC or DC-DC converter.
  2. On-board power supply.
  3. Noise suppressor for various kinds of equipments.
Custom Made Products N/A We can offer custom made one element metal cap type capacitors for request of customers.
Please contact us if you have questions for details.
Note N/A As customer requirement, Chemi-Con has submits the test results according to AEC-Q200 for Multilayer ceramic capacitors. Please contact us for more information.

Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Request our product specifications before purchase and/or use. Please use our products based on the information and product specifications.
  • 1 Whichever is less.