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Unit of Measure



N/A {0}

Manufacturer Stock

N/A {0}


N/A Samtec


N/A Samtec


N/A 0.8 x 1.2 mm

Number of Pins Per Row

N/A 41

Lead Style

N/A For Machine Filled, use T-1S29-02-X
For Hand Filled, use T-1S29-04-X
Rows1 N/A Double Row Vertical


N/A Light Gold 0.000010 Gold Contact Area, 0.000003 Gold Tail

Minimum Space

N/A 0.122 in3.09 mm

Post Height

N/A 0.097 in2.46 mm

Insulator Material

N/A FTE-90-D-XX: VECTRA E130i, Color: Black or ZENITE 6130L, Color: Black
AW-90-D-A: ZENITE 6130L, Color: Natural

Terminal Material

N/A Phosphor Bronze

Minimum Pushout Force

N/A 1.0 lbf

Maximum Cut Flash

N/A 0.010 in0.25 mm


Maximum Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Lead Coplanarity

N/A 0.006 in0.15 mm
  • 1 Bottom body for automation and 0.122 space option, use FTE-90-D-A; Bottom body for automation and other space options, use AW-90-D-A; Bottom body for handfill and all space options, use FTE-90-D-A. Automation/handfill process option is chosen at samtec's discretion.