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Common Anode Dual Digit Numeric Display
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Items Common Anode Dual Digit Numeric Display
Common Anode Dual Digit Numeric Display
List Price {QUOTE}
Common Cathode Dual Digit Numeric Display
Common Cathode Dual Digit Numeric Display
List Price {QUOTE}
Manufacturer Stock N/A {0} N/A {0}
Description N/A Common Anode, Right Hand Decimal. N/A Common Cathode, Right Hand Decimal.
Brands N/A SunLED
Manufacturer N/A SunLED
Size N/A 14.22 mm0.56 in
Tolerance (±) N/A 0.25 mm0.01 in
Reverse Voltage (VR) N/A 5 V
Forward Current (IF) N/A 30 mA
Forward Peak Current 1/10 Duty Cycle 0.1 Millisecond (ms) Pulse Width (iFS) N/A 150 mA N/A 155 mA
Power Dissipation (PD) N/A 120 mW N/A 100 mW
Operating Temperature (TA) N/A -40 ~ +85 ºC
Storage Temperature Range (TSTG) N/A -40 ~ +85 ºC
Electrostatic Discharge Threshold (HBM) N/A 250 V N/A
Lead Solder Temperature (2 Millimeter (mm) Below Package Base) N/A 260 ºC for 3 to 5 Seconds N/A 260 ºC for 5 Seconds
Typical Forward Voltage (VF) at IF=10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A 3 V N/A 1.8 V
Maximum Forward Voltage (VF) at IF=10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A 4 V N/A 2.5 V
Maximum Reverse Current (IR) at VR=5 Volt (V) Voltage N/A 50 µA N/A
Reverse Current (IR) at VR= 5 Volt (V) Voltage N/A N/A 10 µA
Typical Wavelength of Peak Emission (λP) at IF=10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A 468 nm N/A
Wavelength of Peak Emission (λpeak) at IF=10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A N/A 660 nm
Typical Wavelength of Dominant Emission (λD) at IF=10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A 470 nm N/A
Wavelength of Dominant Emission (λD) at IF=10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A N/A 640 nm
Typical Spectral Line Full Width at Half-Maximum (Δλ) at IF=10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A 25 nm N/A
Spectral Line Full Width at Half-Maximum (Δλ) at IF=10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A N/A 20 nm
Typical Capacitance (C) at VF=0 Volt (V) Voltage, f= 1 Megahertz (MHz) Frequency N/A 100 pF N/A
Capacitance (C) at VF=0 Volt (V) Voltage, f= 1 Megahertz (MHz) Frequency N/A N/A 45 pF
Emitting Color N/A Blue N/A Red
Emitting Material N/A Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN) N/A Gallium Aluminum Arsenide (GaAlAs)
Minimum Luminous Intensity at IF= 10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A 5600 ucd N/A 8000 ucd
Typical Luminous Intensity at IF= 10 Milliampere (mA) Current N/A 14990 ucd N/A 23990 ucd
Industry Standards N/A Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliant N/A
Features N/A
  • Low power consumption
  • Robust package
  • I.C. Compatible
  • Standard Configuration: Gray face with white segments
  • Optional black face provides superior color contrast
  • Lead-Free
Note N/A Specifications are subject to change without notice. N/A