Unit of Measure
AW Series 15 Pins Per Row Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Micro Board Stacker

AW Series 15 Pins Per Row Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Micro Board Stacker
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AW Series 15 Pins Per Row Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Micro Board Stacker

AW Series 15 Pins Per Row Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Micro Board Stacker with Tape and Reel
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AW Series 41 Pins Per Row Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Micro Board Stacker

AW Series 41 Pins Per Row Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Micro Board Stacker
List Price {QUOTE}


List Price QUOTE


List Price QUOTE
Manufacturer Stock N/A {0} N/A {0} N/A {0} N/A N/A
Description N/A
Brands N/A Samtec
Manufacturer N/A Samtec
Pitch Size N/A 0.0315 in0.80 mm N/A 0.0315 in0.80 mm N/A N/A N/A
Size N/A N/A N/A 0.8 x 1.2 mm N/A N/A
Number of Pins Per Row N/A 15 N/A 15 N/A 41 N/A N/A
Lead Style N/A N/A N/A For Machine Filled, use T-1S29-02-X
For Hand Filled, use T-1S29-04-X
Rows1 N/A N/A N/A Double Row Vertical N/A N/A
Plating N/A 10 µin (0.25 µm) Gold
Over 50 µin (1.27 µm) Nickel
N/A 10 µin (0.25 µm) Gold
Over 50 µin (1.27 µm) Nickel
N/A Light Gold 0.000010 Gold Contact Area, 0.000003 Gold Tail N/A N/A
Stacker Height N/A 0.122 in3.09 mm N/A 0.122 in3.09 mm N/A N/A N/A
Minimum Space N/A N/A N/A 0.122 in3.09 mm N/A N/A
Post Height N/A 0.097 in2.46 mm N/A 0.097 in2.46 mm N/A 0.097 in2.46 mm N/A N/A
Options N/A N/A Tape and Reel (84 positions maximum) N/A N/A N/A
Insulator Material N/A Top: Black Liquid Crystal Polymers (LCP)
Bottom: Natural Liquid Crystal Polymers (LCP)
N/A Top: Black Liquid Crystal Polymers (LCP)
Bottom: Natural Liquid Crystal Polymers (LCP)
N/A FTE-90-D-XX: VECTRA E130i, Color: Black or ZENITE 6130L, Color: Black
AW-90-D-A: ZENITE 6130L, Color: Natural
Terminal Material N/A Phosphor Bronze N/A Phosphor Bronze N/A Phosphor Bronze N/A N/A
Operating Temperature Range N/A -55 to +125 ºC N/A -55 to +125 ºC N/A N/A N/A
Lead-Free Solderable N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A
Maximum Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Lead Coplanarity N/A 0.004 in0.10 mm N/A 0.004 in0.10 mm N/A 0.006 in0.15 mm N/A N/A
Minimum Pushout Force N/A N/A N/A 1.0 lbf N/A N/A
Maximum Cut Flash N/A N/A N/A 0.010 in0.25 mm N/A N/A
Note N/A For added mechanical stability, Samtec recommends mechanical board spacers be used in applications with gold or selective gold plated connectors. Some lengths, styles and options are non-standard, non-returnable.

Unless otherwise approved in writing by Samtec, all parts and components are designed and built according to Samtec's specifications which are subject to change without notice.
N/A For added mechanical stability, Samtec recommends mechanical board spacers be used in applications with gold or selective gold plated connectors. Some lengths, styles and options are non-standard, non-returnable.

Unless otherwise approved in writing by Samtec, all parts and components are designed and built according to Samtec's specifications which are subject to change without notice.
  • 1 Bottom body for automation and 0.122 space option, use FTE-90-D-A; Bottom body for automation and other space options, use AW-90-D-A; Bottom body for handfill and all space options, use FTE-90-D-A. Automation/handfill process option is chosen at samtec's discretion.