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  • Downsizing and lower ESR, 2,000 hours at 105 ?C
  • Solvent resistant type
  • Vibration resistant structure
Unit of Measure




Manufacturer Stock



Nippon Chemi-Con


United Chemi-Con



Working Direct Current (DC) Voltage

25 V


220 µF

Capacitance Tolerance (±) at 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency, 20 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature

20 %

Dissipation Factor (Tan δ)


Maximum Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) at 100 Kilohertz (kHz) Frequency, 20 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature

0.160 Ω

Rated Ripple Current at 105 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature, 100 Kilohertz (kHz) Frequency

600 mArms

Endurance at 105 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature

2000 hours

Temperature Range

-55 to +105 ºC

Leakage Current at 20 Degree Celsius (ºC) Temperature After 2 Minutes

I=0.01CV or 3 µA, whichever is greater.
Where, I : Max. leakage current (µA), C : Nominal capacitance (µF), V : Rated voltage (V)

Maximum Impedance Ratio Low Temperature Characteristics at 120 Hertz (Hz) Frequency

Z(-25 ºC)/Z(+20 ºC) = 2 Z(-40 ºC)/Z(+20 ºC) = 3 Z(-55 ºC)/Z(+20 ºC) = 3

Mounting Style

Vertical Surface Mount

Industry Standards

Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliant


Dimension D

6.3 mm

Dimension L

7.7 mm

Dimension L Tolerance (±)

0.5 mm

Dimension A

6.6 mm

Dimension B

6.6 mm

Dimension C

7.2 mm

Dimension W

0.5 to 0.8 mm

Dimension P

1.9 mm



The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 ºC after the rated voltage is applied for2,000 hours at 105 ºC.

Capacitance change: ≤ ±30% of the initial value
D.F. (tan δ): ≤ 200% of the initial value
Leakage current: ≤ The initial specified value

Shelf Life

Shelf Life

The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 ºC after exposing them for 1,000 hours at 105 ºC without voltage applied. Before the measurement, the capacitor shall be preconditioned by applying voltage according to Item 4.1 of JIS C 5101-4.

Capacitance change: ≤ ±30% of the initial value
D.F. (tan δ): ≤ 200% of the initial value
Leakage current: ≤ The initial specified value

Surge Voltage Test

Surge Voltage Test

The capacitors shall be subjected to 1,000 cycles each consisting of charging with the specified surge voltage for 30±5 seconds through a protective resistor (as required for RC=0.1±0.05 sec) and open-circuiting for 5.5 minutes at a room temperature of 15 to 35 ºC.

Surge Voltage: 29 V
Appearance: No significant damage
Capacitance change: ≤ ±20% of the initial value
D.F. (tan δ): ≤ The initial specified value
ESR: ≤ 200% of the initial specified value
Leakage current: ≤ The initial specified value

Surge Voltage Test intends to evaluate capacitors in durability of an exceptional excessive voltage under specific conditions. It does not imply long-term use at all.



Applying voltage over the rated voltages causes the capacitors to have short lifetime.
Besides, applying voltage over the specified surge voltages may cause to have short circuit failure.
A protection circuit should be used if applied voltage will exceed the rated voltages.

Please contact us for mass production schedule.
Specifications in this bulletin are subject to change without notice.